Looking For A More Efficient Way To Create Handles And Feet On Your Ceramic Projects?

Our DiamondCore® Tools handheld clay extruders are the perfect solution for any ceramic artist looking to save time, reduce manual effort, and achieve consistent results. This easy-to-use tool quickly creates uniform feet and handles for your projects with adjustable depth skis, sleek wooden handle, and advanced blade technology all in one.

No longer will you have to struggle through tedious manual labor just to create beautiful pieces that meet your standards – now you can get quick results with minimal effort! Get professional results every single time with our durable, reliable tools that make pottery craftsmanship easier than ever before.

Experience effortless creation today by investing in one of our handheld clay extruders!

Looking For A More Efficient Way To Create Handles And Feet On Your Ceramic Projects?

Our DiamondCore® Tools handheld clay extruders are the perfect solution for any ceramic artist looking to save time, reduce manual effort, and achieve consistent results. This easy-to-use tool quickly creates uniform feet and handles for your projects with adjustable depth skis, sleek wooden handle, and advanced blade technology all in one.

No longer will you have to struggle through tedious manual labor just to create beautiful pieces that meet your standards – now you can get quick results with minimal effort! Get professional results every single time with our durable, reliable tools that make pottery craftsmanship easier than ever before.

Experience effortless creation today by investing in one of our handheld clay extruders!

Created With You In Mind!

At DiamondCore® Tools, we wanted to make it easy for potters to make handles and feet. We saw and experienced how challenging and time-consuming this process can be. Creating a repeatable shape — let alone any details or decorative profiles — add to that time.

Initially, our clay extruders started as a simple foot-making tool for hand-building applications, but they quickly became a way to make intricate profiles with minimal setup and cleanup.

Created With You In Mind!

At DiamondCore® Tools, we wanted to make it easy for potters to make handles and feet. We saw and experienced how challenging and time-consuming this process can be. Creating a repeatable shape — let alone any details or decorative profiles — add to that time.

Initially, our clay extruders started as a simple foot-making tool for hand-building applications, but they quickly became a way to make intricate profiles with minimal setup and cleanup.

A Completely Different Way To Create Accents

Common Hand-Pulling Problems

  • Time consuming
  • Tricky skill that can take a long time to perfect
  • Consistency is hard to achieve
  • No unique shapes
  • Hard on the hand and wrist

Compared to Wall-Mounted Extruders

  • Expensive
  • Need the wall space
  • Setup takes time
  • Cleanup is a headache
  • No depth variation

Unleash your creativity and take your projects to the next level with our handheld clay extruders! Forget about old-fashioned hand pulling processes or bulky, expensive wall-mounted models. Our innovative tool is easier on you and better for creating unique pieces of art than ever before!

So Easy To Use

Just Drag...


And Attach!

You Are In Control

Our Handheld Clay Extruders are designed with a variable depth ski, so you decide how thick your extrusion is. All you need is a Phillips screwdriver to loosen the screw, adjust the ski, and re-tighten the screw to your preferred depth.

Handheld Clay Extruder Tips & Tricks

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