3 件套 12" 金刚石磨盘套装

3-Piece 12" Diamond Grinding Disc Set
3-Piece 12" Diamond Grinding Disc Set
3-Piece 12" Diamond Grinding Disc
3-Piece 12" Diamond Grinding Disc
3-Piece 12" Diamond Grinding Disc

3 件套 12" 金刚石磨盘套装

正常价格 $426.00 销售价格 $379.00
  • 安全支付

12 英寸蝙蝠全套系列上的 12 英寸金刚石磨盘配有60 粒度粗磨盘、120 粒度普通磨盘和 240 粒度细磨盘。与碳化硅磨料相比,它们的使用寿命更长,效果更好。


  • 12" 直径金刚石磨盘“POTSAVERS”
  • 背胶金属板,上面熔有钻石
  • 金刚石砂粒的硬度等级为 7000(碳化硅磨料的硬度等级仅为 2400)
  • 5磅重量
  • 60 粒度 - 粗 - 重釉或高烧粘土去除
  • 120 粒度 - 一般 - 调平锅或研磨
  • 240 粒度 - 细 - 平滑


  • 永久固定在球棒上以供陶轮使用
  • 去除高温烧制的釉滴或高温烧制的陶瓷
  • 将变形的锅调平
  • 研磨瓷砖、石头或玻璃
  • 水平窑架柱和家具


  • 预先安装在硬质塑料棒上
  • 9" 和 10" 球棒销间距
  • 如果正确与水一起使用,使用寿命很长
  • 通过用水控制粉尘
  • 比碳化硅使用寿命更长
  • 多种粒度可供选择
  • 比碳化硅快
  • 比砂纸更快
  • 更好的结果
  • 比其他打磨方法更少疲劳


  • 使用所有安全预防措施
  • 始终使用护目镜
  • 确保碎片不会进入潮湿、可用的粘土中
  • 仔细清洁防溅盘,清除所有锋利的碎片
  • 始终与水一起使用,以最大限度地延长工具寿命并控制灰尘
  • 请勿尝试强行研磨
  • 注意避免皮肤脱落
  • 放在儿童接触不到的地方


  • BAT PIN:一套 2 个用于陶瓷磨轮头的蝙蝠销

注意:始终使用水,高速且轻柔的压力。 “让钻石发挥作用。”工具过热会缩短工具的使用寿命。

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Paul H.
Grinding Disc

We got the grinding disc for the wheel and we bought the set of three. These things work great and I'm glad we went with the bigger size. Think the smaller ones would have been to small for some of the bigger projects we make.

Lloyd E.W.
Expensive, but great.

Been a fan of diamond disks for some time and have been using them on my wheel with a chamois to hold them in place on top of a bat so the bat pins don't chip my pieces.
These make the process so much easier, especially if you're using several grits.
As with all Diamond Core tools they're very nice and well put together....and expensive. Diamond Core runs sales regularly...get on the mailing list and buy them on sale.

Troy B.
Drip Clean Up

I love working with glazes that have a lot of movement inside the kiln. Sometimes the drips are more than I hoped for and there is some grinding necessary. These sanding disks make clean up a breeze and they are worth every penny!