加入俱乐部是100%免费的。赚取或兑换奖励无需额外费用。您可以通过在我们的网站上购买 DiamondCore Tools 产品来赚取积分。
我们在上述赚取积分的方式部分列出了您赚取积分的所有可能性。每次使用您的唯一推荐 URL 首次购买 DiamondCore Tools 时,您还可以获得 20 美元的商店积分。
Our Diamond Rewards Club is retroactively applying purchases by account users since March 12, 2024.
购买产品后 14-21 天,您将收到一封电子邮件,要求您发表评论。点击电子邮件,登录您的钻石奖励俱乐部帐户,然后留下评论!提交评论后,您将自动获得 5 分。
购买 DiamondCore Tools 或产品时可享受折扣!您可以获得的优惠已在积分兑换奖励中列出。积分兑换奖励不能与礼品卡代码结合使用。点击兑换方式按钮,即可兑换积分的产品如上所示。产品可能随时更改,恕不另行通知。
但要维持较高的 VIP 等级(例如 Glaze Guru 和 Diamond Elite),您必须继续当年的购买,以确定当年和下一年的等级。
Sorry, no.
For example, if you have an account and your spouse has an account, you cannot merge earned diamonds onto one account.
Yes. The diamonds you earned on your purchase will be removed once the return is complete.
You will receive the rewards for all tiers based on the tier level you reach, but only the benefits for the highest tier. For example, if you make a one-time purchase and are at Very High Fire tier, you will receive the rewards for all tiers but only the benefits of Very High Fire.