钻石橡胶抛光轮套装(9 件套)

Diamond Rubber Polisher Bullet 9 Piece Set
Diamond Rubber Polisher Bullet 9 Piece Set

钻石橡胶抛光轮套装(9 件套)

正常价格 $25.00
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我们的 9 件套钻石橡胶抛光轮套装非常适合抛光和抛光釉面和玻璃上的划痕和其他缺陷。该套装具有三种形状,每种形状有三种粒度(中号、细号和超细号),非常适合任何抛光项目。


  • 由超强实心金刚石砂粒制成的金刚石抛光旋转工具
  • 套装包括九件
  • 包括适用于各种项目的三种形状,每种形状有三种磨粒
  • 包括中(黑色)、细(绿色)和超细(奶油色)金刚石磨粒
  • 2.3 毫米直径轴


  • 非常适合抛光以改善釉料或玻璃的外观
  • 去除或减少划痕


  • 快速抛光疤痕划痕,以获得更好看的最终产品
  • 九件套旋转工具套装包括各种形状和金刚石磨粒,可应对任何项目


  • 可能需要夹头(参见Dremel 夹头套件
  • 使用这些抛光工具时请遵循所有安全预防措施
  • 使用无绳旋转工具以避免工具电机进水
  • 过度研磨锋利表面会导致过早磨损
  • 放在儿童接触不到的地方


  • 最好先用 DiamondCore 旋转工具磨掉釉滴,然后用最好的金刚石砂纸(最好是 800 目)打磨疤痕,然后从最粗的抛光弹开始,然后转向更精细的抛光弹,然后用最好的子弹​​结束
  • 不要期望获得与窑烧釉时相同的光泽
  • 釉料中矿物质和粉末状着色元素越多,获得高光泽饰面的可能性就越小

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Sumi v.D.
exactly what I needed

These bullet shaped polishing bits are exactly what I've been looking for. Dremel makes a similar bit, but just in one grade, and it doesn't polish quite well enough. This set, with three grades (coarse, medium and fine) is perfect for touching up those little spots where you had to grind an imperfection off a glazed surface (using a stone grinding bit, not these polishing bits!), such as a bit of debris that dropped onto your ware in the kiln, or a small crater in the glaze. If you somehow get a small scratch in a glazed surface (like if your tool slipped when using a stone grinding bit on the bottom of your pot) this set will erase it. They won't polish up to quite the sheen of a glossy glaze, so you can't use them on a large area, but they can definitely keep a small imperfection from turning a piece into a second. The set is absolutely worth the investment.

Eathan B.
Amazing versatile design for artisans

I love their shape and size. I'm new to lapidary, jewelery making. So excited to get to try them on some of my rough materials.