3 件套细尖套装 1(FP1、FP3、FP5)

3-Piece Fine Point Carving Tool Set

3 件套细尖套装 1(FP1、FP3、FP5)

正常价格 $114.00 销售价格 $99.00

通常在 24 小时内就绪

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我们更新了原来的 PF 工具套装 — 相同的刀片形状、新的舒适握把。

如果单独购买,这些工具的价格将超过 114 美元。捆绑它们可以省钱,只需 99 美元即可购买这套套装! L通过以下每种工具赚取更多收益。

FP1 细尖 U 形尖端 1 mm X 1 mm

  • 1 毫米 U 形尖端 x 1 毫米宽直刀片
  • 带 1 毫米笔尖的硬木铅笔雕刻刀
  • 非常适合创造精致、干净的细节

FP3 细尖 U 形尖端 3 mm X 1 mm

  • 3 毫米直径 U 形刀头 x 1 毫米宽直刀片
  • 铅笔雕刻机可在您的陶器上进行更精细的雕刻
  • 旨在创建干净的 3 毫米凹槽

FP5 细点 U 形尖端 5mm X 1mm

  • 5 毫米直径 U 形尖端 x 1 毫米宽直刀片
  • 用于创建干净、细致的 5 毫米凹槽
  • 5.5 英寸(140 毫米)长铅笔型手柄

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Joanne M.

I was really hesitant to order these. I saw what people were making for months, but just couldn’t justify the price for a tool I somewhat had but honestly not really. These tools are awesome, they are sharp, the cut through clay like butter! I am so happy I spent the money. The possibilities are endless for me and I love the fact that I have two blades per tool. So nice! Wish you guys had started these about 17 years ago when I had just started my business! But thanks for making and American made tool that’s very efficient!